
LexiLatLaw.com is a website hosting a humorous blog for language learners; travelers; geography buffs; home schoolers; those in the legal world or anyone seeking some facts, figures and fun.  New posts appear in your Inbox on Wednesday if you’re a Subscriber; Monday; Wednesday; and Friday if you’re a Premium Subscriber. Interested?? Intrigued??

Each post features a Word (Lexicography or Lexi) in one of six languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, or Portuguese) along with its translation into the other five languages. The choice of Word is random: the calendar; the weather; the news (but no politics!); sports; food; basically, the whim of your host, Rufous.

Each post will also feature a Place (Latitude or Lat); and a case, legal concept, dispute, war, conflict, controversy or other problem (Law) related to the Word or the Place.  Hence, the website’s name: LexiLatLaw.com. Although Lexicography is defined as the art of compiling, writing and editing dictionaries, posts won’t contain a definition of the Word. The meaning of the Word, if it’s a word you don’t already know, is up to you, dear reader, to discover.

LexiLatLaw.com is hosted by Rufous Feathertail.   A fake name, you’re thinking. Well, yes, a pseudonym or pen name in the tradition of Alice Addertongue (Benjamin Franklin); George Sand (Amandine Lucie Aurore Dupin); or Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen). As you can imagine, writers come up with their pseudonyms from some amusing sources.

In your host’s case, Rufous comes from the Rufous hummingbird, a particularly pugnacious member of the hummingbird family whose annual migration is greater than almost every other bird on earth and who defend their favorite feeding sites fiercely. And Feathertail? Well, it pays tribute to an infamous grey cat dubbed Miss Feathertail, the owner of a fabulous feathery tail. As with most cats, her curiosity knew no bounds. An appropriate last name for the host of a website that aims to take its readers around the world, no?

Why a pseudonym? This blog is about Words, Places and Cases and not its host.  So, no discussion of your host’s favorite foods or transportation woes. Just lots of language, information, and, hopefully, fun, three days a week, if you’re a Premium Subscriber; once a week if you’re a Subscriber.

How much for triple the info and entertainment every week? Well, one degree of Latitude equals 69 miles of distance, heading either north or south from the equator. For one sixty-nine or $1.69 each month, receive access to an extra 2 posts every week. So, if you, in the words of the late, great Jimmy Buffett, might be in need of a change in latitude, give it a try and


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